
Wednesday, 24 August 2016

My favourite exercise class

Since February 2016 I have been going to one of the most fun exercise classes ever. the class is called Boogie Bounce Extreme.

Boogie Bounce is a complete exercise programme on a mini trampoline with a safety bar, choreographed to chart topping music which includes an EXTREMELY effective cardio section. It is by far the hardest yet most enjoyable classes I have ever been too.

Since doing this class for 6 months now, I have noticed a huge difference in my fitness levels. My cardio endurance has strengthened, my cellulite has DRAMATICALLY reduced if not disappeared and my bum muscles have strengthened, as well as loosing weight and toning my body.

Boogie Bounce is a chain and I highly recommend looking on their website linked here and seeing if there are any classes near you if you are looking at getting fit but find the gym boring.

I go to my classes at a place called fit2flirt  in Gravesend (UK) which is run by the amazing Lisa. I do other classes here too such as Weighted Hula, Anti-gravity Yoga and Clubbercize. If anyone lives near by and is looking for some fun classes, but like I was scared to go to classes with people you don't know, I can't recommend fit2flirt enough. Lisa makes you feel so welcome and comfortable and it's such a lovely atmosphere and no one is there to judge only to support and it's like a little fit2flirt family that you instantly feel apart of as soon as you join.

Below is a little video I put together from one of my sessions at Boogie Bounce. I have to say, after watching the video back, it looks quite easy, but trust me when I say it pushes you to your limits!

What's your favourite type of exercise to do? are you the type of person who loves going to the gym or do you do other classes. Do let me know in the comments :)


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